Welcome to
Apostolic Faith Church - Medford, Oregon

The Apostolic Faith Church - Medford, Oregon is part of a worldwide Christian organization, with headquarters in Portland, Oregon.

We are a traditional, Bible-believing church, committed to upholding the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Our church is conservative in nature, following a tradition of Wesleyan holiness taught and practiced by those whom the Holy Spirit descended on at the Azusa Street Revival.

Our services are a time to worship God through music, be encouraged by testimonies of God working in lives today, and hear practical, relevant, Bible-based sermons. We invite you to join us for any of our services.

Our Schedule of Services:

9:30 a.m. - Sunday School (for all ages)
11:00 a.m. - Morning Service
6:00 p.m. - Evening Service

7:00 p.m. - Service or Bible Study
Youth Service:
6:00 p.m. - Usually* on the third Sunday of each month

*For this month's schedule, please see our church calendar
Our Location: 285 Sunrise Avenue, Medford, OR 97504

Live Webcast:

Last Sunday's videos:

For other recent videos, see our media section.

The Apostolic Faith Magazine

The Apostolic Faith magazine is is published quarterly by our headquarters church located in Portland, Oregon.

Daybreak Devotional

Today's devotional gives practical ways to apply God's Word to your life
(from ApostolicFaith.org)

Sunday School

The Sunday School page has the weekly lessons for all ages. 

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